Sunday, November 05, 2006

Jones Adopts Portion of My Platform

While I was walking on R Street yesterday, I came across a new Jones sign in a person's yard at the corner of Eckington Place N.E.. This sign states what Jones will do if she is re-elected. It includes:
■ "Increase public safety, reduce recidivism, create an effective system to prevent and reduce crime."

■ "Collaboration with community, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, the government and the justice system."

■ "Support community and business development."
Sound familiar? From my platform:
Organize citizen crime teams and build bridges between police and citizens;

Encourage businesses to relocate or initiate in our North Capitol Street business district and thus bring economic vitality to our neighborhood.
On a flyer she distributed recently, Jones lists her accomplishments as shutting down businesses, but there is no word of economic development.

Her crime accomplishments are a street camera that was part of a group going up all over D.C., a one-day walk of the neighborhood with the police chief (which she did organize), and events likely organized by individuals other than Jones. She has been ineffective in dealing with So Others Might Eat.

Obviously I am having an effect on Jones's priorities, so no matter who wins on November 7, we all win. We must hold the winner to his/her promises.


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