First 5C-02 Constitutent Meeting is Tomorrow
I am holding my first monthly Single Member District ANC meeting at 11 a.m. this Saturday January 20 at Emery Elementary School (1720 1st Street N.E.).
If you are a resident of 5C-02, then please attend and bring your ideas, community concerns and documented service requests (with tracking numbers).
I will also be looking for block captains to begin building a Neighborhood Watch team (go here for more information).
Special thanks to Ted McGinn, who arranged for the room at Emery to be made available. Ted writes that City Year Young Heroes "will be starting a community clean up at Noon and we
are all invited to join them. If you only want to come to the meeting that's fine and if you want to join the cleanup that would be outstanding."
Please consider talking/working with FedEx and the appropriate DC agency to widen the sidewalk on FL Ave.
The portion of the sidewalk that is adjacent to FL Ave. and the FedEx property (across from Wendy's) is wide enough for just one person at several points. It isn't a problem when the ground is frozen, but when the ground is wet, then someone is going to get muddy on their way to work or school. Also, the tree limbs on that section of sidewalk are much too low to allow for passage of anyone over 5'5" or so.
(I'm not a consituient, but I pass through regularly :-)
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